Why Choose Us

  • We are an extension of your team and believe that upfront communication will result in positive results.
  • We will save you valuable time so that you can work on the actual content of your meeting and job responsibilities.
  • We are a team that cares about your well-being as an individual. Life isn’t just about business connections, it is about the human connection.
  • The selection of available hotels is unlimited and we have over 100,000 hotels in our database to choose from.
  • We keep a close eye on new hotel openings to add to our database daily and share with you any special promotions.
  • We are a 100% complimentary since the hotels and venues you contract are responsible for providing Brand Site Select a placement fee.
  • With our vast variety of hotel connections, we will be able to offer you the best rates and concessions.
  • Suppliers prepare exclusive promotions to Brand Site Select that you wouldn’t be able to find on your own.
  • Response time is within 48 hours.
  • We have excellent communication skills.
  • You are given the best possible negotiated group rates and concessions.
  • We arrange hotel site inspections on behalf of you.

Stay Connected With Brand Site Select

Receive updates, meeting planner tips, and hotel testimonials here.